The boxes have a different look and the bottle containing agent 2 now only contains 60ml compared to the 80ml of the previous version.
The new formula also has a new scent, more fruity than before I think.

The amount of color you get is still easily enough to cover my head evenly however if you have very long hair and used to use 1 bottle you might have to consider purchasing 2 now instead.

There is still a rather pungent ammonia smell but the color seems to be overall as gentle as before and the dyeing result is nice and even.
I picked the color Dark Chocolate as I was in the mood to cover the reddish hue of my hair so the outcome was a pretty rich neutral chocolate brown.

I did the dye about a week or so ago and with daily washing it looks pretty much the same as it did after I dyed my hair.
The only let-down for me is the leave-in hair-treatment which is included. It somehow makes my hair sticky and with a dirty feel. It smells definitely nice but i don´t like the overall result it gives.


On another note: As I said before I was terribly busy with my studies and just couple of days ago I did this horror-exam (the most difficult and the hugest one of my studies!) really with an excellent result so I am happy and relaxed now and will return to blogging regularly.
I am going to be in Egypt from July 23rd to September 1st so I will attempt to post some pics from my trip and continue reviewing stuff I take there with me =)
Hey Kathi,
Congrats on doing well on the exam! That's awesome :-) And hope you have a lovely trip to Egypt! I just coming to the end of my two weeks here in Delhi... sigh. Going back to work is never fun.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading more reviews by you!
Congratulations on the excellent result of your exam! Looking forward to reading your posts again.
Hi Kathi! That hair colour looks nice and neutral~ I might try out Kao's bubble hair dye sometime soon too seeing as it worked nicely for u! Btw, congrats on finishing ur exams, what are you studying (if u don't mind me asking)? U're so lucky u're going to Egypt again, its one of the places I must visit before I die lol! Take care n looking forward to ur next post! <3<3
Love it! Awesome color!
Visit my blog to win a beauty loot:
Cawaii Lover
Hey Kathi =)
Gratuliere zu den bestandenen Examen! Freue mich darauf bald wieder mehr von dir zu lesen und leide mit dir in dieser Affenhitze X_x Sogar bei SPF 50 hole ich mir einen Sonnenbrand, will mir daher demnächst bei Sasa diverse Sonnenschutzmittel holen und lasse dich wissen wie sie sind sobald ich sie in den Händen habe :D
Grüsse aus Zürich
congrats on your exam! have fun on your trip!! thanks for this review :]
Hello there I was just wondering where can I buy this pretty bubble hair dyes here in the Philippines? :) Thanks a lot :)
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