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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Shills Natural Science Cherry Blossom Make-up Removing Oil

Ah Shills, my new love (or love-hate relationship..but we know how close love and hatred are to each other, right?).

My bathroom is now graced with another product from Shills because I simply can´t leave the stuff on my backup shelf for too long as it´s just too luring to try out!
I am a total sucker for all sorts of cleansing oils and face cleansers in general.... I swear a good part of the products waiting to be used are face cleansers and I usually have 3-4 cleansing oils and 3-4 foaming cleansers standing around cluttering up my bathroom!

Anyway, Sasa listed this cute 250ml bottle of Shills Natural Science Cherry Blossom Make-up Removing Oil for around 8 bucks so it had to be mine the moment I spotted it =P
The box and bottle are darn cute and printed with cherry blossoms allover. The oil is dispensed through a nice good pump and I take about 2-3 pumps per application.

If the ingredients list which is printed on the box is really complete (hmmm...honestly not sure if it is!) then this oil is one of the mildest and most natural I have tried so far (as far as I can understand the ingredient lists to start with as mostly they are printed in Japanese or Korean!)

The oil is very thin, liquid and slick without a very greasy feeling in my opinion so it´s great for doing a face massage.
The oil leaves my skin very soft and moisturized however I think this results from the oil not rinsing off completely (it doesn´t emulsify thus turn milky really much) so I feel there is a slight film left on my face.
Oddly I feel the makeup removing power of this is really good, away from waterproof mascara it gets rid of pretty much all my face and eye makeup.

This oil is scented with cherry blossoms but thankfully the smell is very light and soft and not overly yummy in my opinion but tolerable anyway.

Overall I am a bit split about the Cherry Blossom Make-up Removing Oil... on the one hand it´s really cheap, comes in a huge size, looks pretty, smells ok, has a short and nice ingredients list, removes my makeup well and makes my skin soft. On the other hand it leaves a slight film which means you definitely should follow up with a foaming cleanser and toner to get rid of this (I do anyway so not a big problem for me).

Still I prefer other cleansing oils over this (e.g. Kosé Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil).

More Shills stuff to be reviewed soon (oh and I also got some things from Anosa which is a sister brand of Shills!)


Anonymous said...

I totally understand what you mean by that. I love makeup removing cleaners too. I should stop opening them all at once and finish using it one by one though. :P
Thanks for the review!

Sheila said...

I haven't tried anything from Shills yet, but recently I discovered Aqualabel Moist cleansing oil. Its the best I've ever used so far, its so effective and CLEAN!! You should check it out, its not drying either and emulsifies completely. I also love the slight fruity smell =)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kathy! Thanks for the review on this cleansing oil. I love trying out cleansing oils too hehe :D Hm, from the ingredients list, it's no wonder that it didn't wash off well cos only one of the ingredients (isostearate) is an emulsifier and almost everything else is oil! xD Alpha-bisabolol is anti-irritant/anti-inflammatory agent, tocopheryl acetate is vitamin E. I think the Cherry blossom essential oil gives the scent. Anyway, sorry it didn't work out for you :( I love reading your reviews.

Hm. I wonder what's your favorite cleansing oil so far? Is it the Softymo?

birkinbagbeauty said...

I love your poetic reference in the beginning, LOL.
It seems that you are more 'in like' with this product than 'in love', so you might transgressed from the strong emotions of love/hate. ;P

It does sound like a me-product, honestly! I love thin cleansing oils, especially with Cherry Blossom scent (looove Cherry Blossom scent!). Oh, this is my next thing to order from sasa! Muahaaha!

Isabella said...

Ooh that is so crazy. I totally saw this on Sasa last night and was contemplating ordering it but was too tired and thought I would look at it today instead and voila! a review! I'm also on a cleansing oil fury, I think I read through all the reviews you posted xD Although after your review on this one, I think I'll pass :) thanks!

Anonymous said...

this looks so much like shu's cleansing oil! very interesting.

ps: many readers came to me about Etude House products and i directed them to your blog. I hope you don't mind. you are the best japanese/korean products shopper i know! *_*

Catherine said...

OMG I want this just for the bottle! The ingredients look pretty good too... I think I'll have to stick a bottle of this in my next Sasa order. Not really liking my Neutrogena remover right now and the Mamdom one I'm trying to finish up is really not that impressive.

♥ Starryxuan said...

the packaging is pretty! Cleansing oil with cherry blossom scent sounds nice and i have not tried any Shills products yet.. im tempted! :)

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