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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring 2010: Ettusais Jelly Gloss in BE-4, PK-6 and PK-8

Ettusais revamped their gloss line this spring and since I like Ettusais´glosses very much I picked up 3 of the new version of the Jelly Gloss.

Packaging-wise they didn´t change much as only the tubes are a bit longer and slimmer now. The box looks a bit edgier now with a face printed on =)

The Jelly Glosses have a spatula applicator just as the majority of glosses from Shiseido brands seem to have nowadays (IPSA, Ettusais, Maquillage, Integrate...). I really like this kind of applicator as it distributes the color evenly.

The texture is quite thick and sticky so the glosses offer mirror shine and last for a good amount of time. If you prefer lightweight and slick glosses then you should probably consider something else =)
The pigment is sheer so the glosses don´t look significantly different when applied (I have very pink lips to start with though!)

The glosses are not scented, contain 5g and retail for 1300 Yen + tax. I got mine from Facial-Shop were the cost around US$18/each incl. registered mail from Hong Kong (they arrived very fast, too... just a week from when I ordered. I love fast sellers and the Hong Kong postal service!)

As you can see I picked my usual kind of colors lol! I guess I must have the same colors over and over again but I just can´t resist new lippies, no matter if I have dozens of similar hues already lol!

BE-4: A milky peach nude with fine shimmer.

PK-6: This is sort of a duo-chrome on me. It looks either peachy or cool light pink depending from the angle the light hits. My least favorite color though as it can look blotchy and uneven.

PK-8: As many of my regular readers might expect this is my favorite color =) A pinky beige color which looks like my lips but a hue deeper.

All in all I am very happy with the glosses as they are of great quality and quite affordable.


BV said...

Just wanted to say I think you have the most perfect shaped lips. I should hate you but I don't! Beautiful colours too btw.
Thanks for this post!

Georgina said...

pk-8 makes your lips look so smooth! :) than ks for sharing! i've never tried ettusais before but im definitely looking out for it when i go to hk aka Sasa world. hahaha! :)

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