You can read about my overall opinion and color choices in my previous review (click here). Btw to avoid confusion: The inner core is not soft or drippy like in the ad. It´s a solid clear gloss stick with shimmer.
When I received the beige color I wasn´t sure if I should try it at all and I was tempted to list it in my sales blog but curiosity won me over so I tried it.

While it looks like a golden beige in the tube it´s actually a very nice light pinky beige.
I really like the color a lot as it is very neutral and easy wear for me. I definitely have many colors like this but I am just digging that clear gloss core =P

I got this from Ichibankao. You can also order from Gooddealer. I have 3 of the Ettusais Jelly Lip Glosses on the way to me which I shall review within the next couple of weeks hopefully!
That's such a pretty pinky nude!
you know what i like the best on your blog? all the lip swatches! they are the best as you have such pretty lips and great taste in lip colours.
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