I think I don´t need to go into details regarding the compact etc. It´s a rather huge compact with 2 cream and 3 powder shades.
The white cream shadow is a base or highlighter. I use it all over my lids and then apply the powders on top. The last step is the cream liner.

The cream base is actually quite good as it doesn´t crease on me at all. The powders are shimmery and rather pigmented however the liner is a little hard and fades a bit during the day.

VI767 contains a white cream base, a shimmery silver liner and shimmery pretty pigmented powders in ivory, light beige brown and a light purple with a green duo-chrome finish (hard to see on the pic). The purple shade is a little chalky and what I would call dull but in combination with the other colors it´s quite pretty. I first thought the combination is somehow weird but the colors go together very well!

Lasting power is excellent (except for the cream liner). I got mine on Adambeauty but I think he´s sold out of this color. You can definitely get this on Ichibankao and maybe Gooddealer or eBay.
All in all this is a pretty palette but not a must-have for me. It gives a pretty soft spring eye look as the combination of brown, silver and light purple is very fresh.