It´s been some time since my last stationery post =) I just dearly love and collect all kinds of cute Japanese (mostly)/Korean/Chinese stationery and my favorite collective items are ohajiki sticker discs.

I don´t know if you have seen them before but they are available from many big Japanese stationery brands (though oddly I have never seen ones from San-X!) in packs of 15 (along with 20 regular flat paper stickers).

The ohajiki (or PVC/plexiglass) stickers are small clear discs with a holographic sticker attached to the bottom and a clear plastic foil which can be removed to stick the ohajiki somewhere or you can just leave it on and keep the disc as is. E.g. to play an ohajiki game.

My kids love these, too, and they are great little rewards for them so they collect them in small tin boxes (we love the ones from Yozocraft) as you can see below. For them those boxes are like little treasure chests and they take them everywhere to look at the "coins" or to swap them =)
Actually I like to give them to other kids around us, too, as those things are not available here and so far everyone was excited to get ohajikis =)

Retail in Japan is 220 Yen per pack (available from e.g. Kamio, Qlia, Pool Cool, Crux). The seller I rely on is CutePaperEtc on Etsy who offers the best variety and best prices (most sellers charge above US$4-5 per pack). Or if you don´t mind to get an assortment without the original packaging the best deal can be scored from zerofantasies (50 pcs for US$6 plus shipping).
If you don´t know what to do with these, then check these super cute comics from the back of packages from Qlia and Pool Cool:

super super cute thanks for sharing on where to get them need to get me some now (>///u////<)
Wow. These are so super cute. I've never seen or heard of these before.. I feel so childish, but i want these now XD
Wow. These are so super cute. I've never seen or heard of these before.. I feel so childish, but i want these now XD
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