I am really impressed with the Designing Eyes palette in 505 and I will admit now that the blushes are just as good!

As I mentioned in my review of the Designing Eyes the new compacts are so pretty! They're fingerprint-resistant smooth muted pink metallic cases adorned with 2 rows of silver squares in the middle.
What I forgot to mention in my eyeshadow review was that you open the cases by pushing on the sides. I think that's quite nice as the compacts flip open just with a light push.

The Designing Cheek blushes and cases (& brush) are sold separately so it's up to you if you want to splurge on the compacts (1000 Yen/each) or just want the blushes (2200 Yen/each) solo. As I am a sucker for packaging I decided to get both but I can understand that for many people the product matters more so they'll be happy to get nice blushes for less $$.

The blush refills come in clear soft plastic trays so I would suggest keeping them in the box if you don't get the cases.
The blush pans have a blob of soft glue attached to their back so you just stick them into the cases.
The texture of the blushes is really excellent. They're silky with delicate shimmer throughout. I think the pigment is quite strong for Japanese blushes which tend to be sheer. Just about 2 swipes are enough for me as otherwise I'd overdo and look like a clown.

There are 4 basic colors available. I picked out 403 and 404 though I was very tempted by 401 (a warmer pink) and might order it later from adambeauty as soon as he stocks them.
403 is the perfect reddish beige blush to go with most of my pink beige and neutral lippies.

404 is a gorgeous cool pink which harmonizes very well with my cool-toned colorings.

I paid only 2352 Yen/blush incl. case as Aube Couture is discounted about 30% in Japanese drugstores and my dear friend Iris Cped these for me in Tokyo =D
In my opinion Sofina has clearly improved both the design as well as the texture of their items in the Aube (now Aube Couture) line. I think I will pay close attention to in their upcoming releases and I am also planning on splurging on some of their lippies later!
As I mentioned in my review of the Designing Eyes my friend scored a very pretty GWP for me. Here are more pics:

these look really nice! I love the packaging... do you know if there is anyplace that sells these online? I checked ebay, and tried a google search, but came up with nothing. I'd need a place that ships to Canada too.. =\ Let me know if you ever see anyplace!!
Wow, those blushes look so good. I will need to buy the pink one for sure!
You can get them from ichibankao.com.
Adambeauty will probably list these soon, too!
The blushes are great, definitely worth checking out!
ohhhh they look so nice! such pretty blushes!
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